The gray NG W5051 Walkabout Small Rucksack from National Geographic provides you with a dual purpose backpack that can be used for photo and personal business. The pack is divided into two sections-top and bottom with the top reserved for personals such as food and clothes and the bottom for your photo gear. The lower area has dividers to help you configure the area. However, if you remove the central divider that separates the two areas, you have one large storage space for whatever you need.
The pack is rated to hold your DSLR with a lens attached as well as two additional lenses, flash and accessories. It also has a separate rear zippered pocket for your 12" laptop or even your 13" Mac. For extra storage, two front zippered accessory pockets hold your small stuff-pens, note pad, phone, batteries and other similar sized items. Two open side pouches are for a mono or tripod. They can even hold water bottles. The upper flap has a zippered pocket for your MP3 player or phone.
The pack is made from cotton canvas and accented with leather. Inside, nylon padding keeps your gear well protected. Access is via zippers but the front also has two touch fastened flaps that you can use when you prefer not to use the zippers. Carry the pack by its adjustable shoulder straps and extra sternum strap that helps maintains balance while on the move.
The Walkabout Small Rucksack also features a handy trolley sleeve that allows you to thread the pack over your optional rolling luggage cart for easier navigating through parking lots, ramps or hallways.
- Two compartments - upper and lower
Top area holds personals
Bottom area holds gear
- Rear zippered compartment for 12" laptop or 13" Mac
- Modular dividers help configure the bag to your liking and needs
- Two side pouches for a tri/monopod or water bottle
- Two front zippered organizer pockets for cell phone, batteries,pens, note pad, wallet
- Upper flap has zippered pouch for MP3 player or phone
- Trolley sleeve
- Breathable fabric
- Carry-On Form Factor
- FAA and airline carry-on specifications are subject to change without notice, please check with your airline before designating this case as a carry-on item. Most airlines require carry-on items to have an external linear measurement that is equal to or less than 45.0" (114.3 cm). The external dimensions of this case add up to 33.7" (85.6 cm)
Material | Exterior: Cotton canvas with leather accents Interior: Nylon with foam dividers |
Type of Closure | Zippers |
Exterior Dimensions | 11.0 x 14.8 x 7.9" (27.9 x 37.6 x 20.1 cm) |
Interior Dimensions | 9.5 x 7.9 x 4.5" (24.1 x 20.1 x 11.4 cm) |
Tripod Holder | Yes |
Waist Belt | No |
Carrying/Transport Options | Backpack straps Sternum strap Trolley sleeve |
Weight | 2.9 lb (1.3 kg) |